milk is so darn good. growing up we had it every night at dinner...not a question, mandatory milk drinking in full effect. but none of us seemed to mind. and even now there are times i just crave a good cold glass of milk.
but it's not the same.
because at home in RI we had one of the most amazing things ever...a MILKMAN!!
i know, you can't believe it, but it's true!! i swear!
home delivery too. from a truck painted like a cow!
look, i even have proof for all of you that don't believe that these mythical milkmen still exist in modern day america...
that's alan leaving my parent's driveway in his cow truck.
know him by name, he will even put the milk in the fridge if we're at home and the door's open.
it does not get more amazing than that!
and that's the best chocolate milk and eggnog i've ever consumed.
glass containers keep it extra cold and even the 1% milk tastes creamy.
mind you that this container of chocolate milk was in our house for about 6 seconds.
it's just that good!
so anyway, i know that's an awesome story and all...but it gets BETTER!
impossible right?!
WELL, i was in Whole Foods and literally stopped dead in my tracks and immediately started freaking out.
like taking pictures with my phone and franticly texting my mom & sister while making high pitched noises and possibly skipping with joy kind of freak out!!!
at the end of the aisle i spotted this...
thank you day. you have officially been made.
do yourself a favor. find some milk in a glass bottle and enjoy it!
did i need heavy cream for any reason whatsoever?
hecks no!
am i so obsessed with cute little glass milk bottles that
i'm a-okay buying it and making incredibly expensive whipped cream?!
yep, you betcha!!
happy sunday!
monroe dairy, milk, and alan RULE.
do they make soy milk in glass bottles?! i want a milk bottle.
stinkin' cows and their lactose.
ahhahha i can't say i've ever seen any soy milk in a glass bottle, sorry MQ...but i can definitely give ya a milk bottle if it will make your day :)
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