
light up the sky - nye 2011

for me, new year's eve normally ends up being extremely underwhelming.  i'm not so interested in paying a ridiculous amount of money to go to a hotel party with a bunch of strangers...or standing out in the freezing cold being herded like cattle (again with a bunch of strangers) just to see a sparkly ball fall from the sky.  just not my thing and i'm perfectly happy going to be at 9:30 most nights so the last night of the year isn't usually much different!

this year, we decided (the sister included in the 'we') that we were going to shake things up a bit!  we were going to plan something that would be fun and memorable.  it was way easier than i thought...just pick a place for dinner, invite some wonderful family members and friends, crank up the tunes and wham-bam-thank you ma'am, you've got yourself a great NYE!  donning mom's fur coats and coming home to dad dancing on a chair only added to the entertainment for the evening.  i was pretty darn pleased that we managed to have a non-boring night.

but then kara went and did something extra special...she ordered WISH LANTERNS!!  oh my gosh, i've seen these on youtube and on wedding websites (which i still stalk even though i was married 4.5 years ago) and i think they are just so fascinating!!  i'm so so happy she bought them (from some super sketchy website) for us all to enjoy.  i want them for all events and even the non-events...like 'woo-hoo, it's a 3 day weekend, let's send off some wish lanterns' kinda thing.  they definitely made our NYE magical.  just so glad no one caught on fire! ;-)

the fab sis also surprised me & mz with a super cute HD video camera which helped create this mashup of our wish lantern extravaganza at the uri bay campus.  make a wish!


Kara said...

This just made me tear up a bit. Awesome video - what a great night!

Lauren said...

Awh, Blanche!! No tears!! It was a pretty spectacular night. Something so simple yet so filled with laughter and happiness. Thanks for making it a great one! :)