
busy season + i might be a hoarder

mz's busy season has officially begun which means he's working saturdays for the next few months...which means i have lots of time on saturday mornings to myself.  sometimes that means waking up and watching some terrible movie or a disney flick, but other times (like today) it means busy season for me too.  busy with cleaning or crafts or projects or cooking...really anything i can think of to be productive so i don't feel super guilty when he gets home from a day of work and i've done absolutely nothing.

today i was tempted to read the hunger games all day (just started book 2 - SO hooked!!) but decided to tackle the basement instead.  in general, i'm not much of a cleaner but boy do i love to organize!!  our basement is small but it's got a whole lotta junk (and good stuff) down there and all of it seemed to move into the middle of the floor over the holiday season, so it was high time to find it all a home.  after 5 hours, 6 broken nails and about 2 tons of inhaled dirt/dust, it's looking really awesome.  there's so much space and i got rid of some old stuff (like the box to my first ipod...mini) so it was a great accomplishment.  and my craft table is finally cleared off so maybe i can start to actually DO some crafts!

while in the basement i finally admitted to myself that i might have a card/paper hoarding problem...not that i thought up a solution or did anything about it, but admitting it is the first step, right?!  i mean there are boxes upon boxes of postcards, letters, birthday cards sitting on a shelf...so if you've ever written to me, consider it saved and cherished.  it's not a new thing, i have cards from some of my earliest birthdays sitting in a nightstand in ri (sorry mom! clutter!!).  anyone have any good ideas on how to better store cards...or a method to eventually purge some of them??

i also have stacks of beautiful cards, paper and pens that i've picked up along my travels or that has been gifted to me.  i set a goal last year to send more letters but failed miserably.  i love writing and love sending/receiving mail, but sometimes i just hate to send my paper away!  totally nuts, huh?!  so i'm going to keep that as a goal this year and try harder...maybe if you heckle me and/or send me your address i'll start filling your mailbox!

hope you're having a happy (and productive) weekend!

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