
summer reading

i was so looking forward to coming home
to my new phone
(droid incredible, yay!)
and reading through the manual - 
because, confession...i'm a nerd,
that's what i do,
it's how i learn about all of the stupid features
that no one uses but i get excited about - 
but nope, fedex lied.
jerks changed the delivery date.
it was coming from philadelphia,
how did it not make it in one day?!

instead i'm going
back to the book i've been working on
for the past week or so...
The Help
by Kathryn Stockett
i love it.
it's a fast paced story
told from the perspective of
three very different women.
i kinda can't stop reading it,
it's suspenseful,
pretty much everything all wrapped into one.
and makes ya really think about
how easy it is to treat people nicely,
but how rarely it actually happens...in 1960 or today.

i am obsessed with reading,
have been for as long as i can remember,
i used to fall asleep reading most nights when i was younger,
partially because reading a book 4 inches from my nose
was the only thing i could do without wearing glasses,
but also because i love the thrill of being
immersed in a different story/life,
learning new ideas,
and being challenged mentally.

and now i have access to thousands of books at the push of a button...
watch out credit card! :)
hooray for KINDLE!!
don't get me wrong, 
i still love a real book every once in a while.
the smell,
the feel of the pages,
the ability to pass on to someone else.

but this little gizmo is
perfect for summer.
or trips.
or note taking.
or sitting in my purse without getting ruined/taking up too much space.
plus she looks so pretty in her
m-edge case and decalgirl skin!


(only switched that kindle 'snooze' button about 7 times before i found
 a blog worthy background, nope, i'm not crazy at.all.)

what are you reading this summer?!


Unknown said...

So glad you're reading The Help. I loved it and have never met anyone who has read it.

Lauren said...

guess we'll just have to have our own mini book club discussion once i'm done! :)

Unknown said...

Great idea. I can't wait.