
gizmos and gadgets

yesterday my phone battery was dying.
my car charger was nowhere to be found.
and i thought
"hmm, wouldn't it be great if i there
was a USB car charger? then i could charge
my kindle, ipod, phone, gps, etc all with
one little do-hickey!"

of course it exists.
and target had ONE left.
for $10.99! 
so cool!
i'm certain that i could've found one
way cheaper on amazon.com (like this image below for $3),
but i needed it pronto.
no time to wait around for shipping.
minds out of the gutter people.
also realized after i made the purchase
that my phone's really capable of
replacing my kindle/camera/ipod/gps
while in the car,
but let's not get crazy!
i like having a purse filled with electronics.
it freaks the TSA people out.

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