
Bikram 30 Day Challenge: 13 days down

oof.  last night was definitely unlucky number 13 for me.  i felt like absolutely garbage.  probably had something to do with the lousy cafeteria non-protein filled lunch i had plus a super hectic day which gave me a bit of a stomach ache!  tuesday night class is always one of the toughest for me anyways, the teacher's good but the room gets unbearable sometimes.  it started out okay last night, but midway through i started to feel really sick and weak.  so my yoga practice was nothing other than pathetic and i at one point i was laying there freaking out in my mind and wishing i could just take a day off!!

but then i got home - late, per usual.  side note: that's definitely one of the downfalls of a 90 minute class that's 15 minutes away from my house and that you need to get there early for and you definitely need to shower afterwards.  the whole thing ends up being close to a 3.5 hour process! that's a whole lotta time!...

oh right, back to my original thought...i got home and found this package waiting for me and inside it had the most wonderful thing ever!! new yoga clothes!! as you may know, i love 'gear' but i've held back a lot with this whole yoga thing.  i've picked up some cheap stuff to get me through (like these tops from target and these shorts that i usually find on sale at sports authority), but had a hard time justifying new duds...so instead i've just been really jealous when some of the girls walk in with their cool yoga gear.

well i don't need to be jealous anymore because my sister sent me this awesome early bday gift from shakti!!
i'm SO excited (as exhibited by the extreme amount of exclamation points that are about to follow)!!! totally what i needed to get me pumped up for the remaining days of this challenge!!

thanks kara!! i LOVE it!! xoxoxo!!

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