
ah, sugar, sugar.

i once received a marvelous martha stewart magazine with all sorts of crazy christmas confection recipes in it and thought "hmm, i can do that!".  and so i did. and it was sooo good.  of course now the whole christmas candy idea has snowballed, as most of my little side projects tend to do, and this year we're adding a few new recipes to the mix and doing everything in larger quantities.  because quadrupling recipes is fun! :)

i've started stocking up on the ingredients and i simply cannot wait to start cooking (baking? what the heck is it called when you're making candy?!).
this sugar bag cracked me up. truth be told i only need about 15 lbs of sugar (ha, yea ONLY), but really, how on earth could i pass up a bag that had a handle and was labeled "25 pounder"?!  pretty proud to walk around the store with that puppy.
only about 7 pounds of chocolate there...N.B.D!  totally scored by getting everything on sale, at a wholesale store or at The Christmas Tree Shop.

i'll keep you posted as everything starts to boil down to a christmas full of cavities!!

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