
not so savory.

in case you're wondering,
you cannot make whipped cream
into a sour cream substitute,
or creme fraiche,
or something that tastes like savory goodness.

so if you're out of sour cream
and desperately need something to dip
your pierogies in...
just go to wawa.
do not fall victim to your kitchen aid mixer obsession
and humor your spouse's crazy ideas.

it will NOT make your mouth happy!


**edited to add that michael would like you to know that he did not take pre-made whipped cream and add lime juice to it, that would just be foolish!  
heavy cream was whipped, sans sugar, lime juice was added...gagging ensued.


PHLYTRI Weekend: Part 6

mission triathlon was complete...aaaaand it wasn't even noon...so now what?!

go home and shower...and rest, obvi!  i think i sneezed about 50 times in a row, i'm certain that the schyukill got lodged in my brain and my body was fighting back!  with all of that energy spent i tried to rehydrate and replenish but it wasn't working so well.  kinda felt like i had quickly come down with a nasty cold.  so i did threw on my tri sweatshirt and dozed while watching some tennis and the lousy usa soccer game.  i'm not much of a napper so i kept waking up...and realized that everyone else was snoozing too, so i didn't feel too bad that i was wasting away the afternoon!

thank goodness i was able to get a second wind because we had a reservation at Osteria!  i've been wanting to eat there since i read about it in Philly Mag two years ago...and then in Southwest magazine...and then in Main Line today...finally it was my chance to go to this fab Marc Vetri restaurant and i was not about to let some stiff joints keep me from missing out!

Osteria is not in the most lovely section of the city but the restaurant was terrific!  such a pretty building and the food was superb, but not pretentious at all.  good, fresh ingredients.  decent portions, lots of choices, and wicked delicious bread.  it met all of my expectations and if i can think up some reason to have a big party i'm booking that gorgeous garden room...no doubt about it!  Perfect way to finish off an amazing day...food, family, and a candle :).

oh wait...and one last unexpected surprise...FIREWORKS!!!  we were driving back home and while passing Boathouse Row, an insane fireworks display went off...it literally looked like they were right on the highway!  huge show, lots of my favorites (those screechy swirly ones), probably not a genius idea for the safety of the drivers passing by, but so exciting!!!


PHLYTRI Weekend: Part 5

about 50 some-odd minutes later, i found myself rounding the final u-turn and heading into the scary dismount area....and somehow i didn't fall, even though i unclipped my left foot first, which i never do...and suddenly i was racking my bike and had different shoes on.  seriously don't remember that transition AT ALL.  just happy i tied my laces :).

i ran right on out of there and guess what...the fam was right there! how good are they?! serious tri spectating pros!!  my calves started cramping once i hit the road and i got a little lazy.  i think i could ride a bike all day but if i'm running i tend to talk myself into slowing down.  thankfully there were tons of amazing volunteers cheering everyone on...someone actually yelled 'run pippi run' at me, haha, just the pep talk i needed to move those feet faster!  i wanted to hug them all, but my pace was already way off so i just found a good group to run with and kept trucking.  sang a little coldplay to myself, and unfortunately "the song that doesn't end" popped into the brain for about a mile, skipped over that to some jack johnson and topped off the mental playlist with foo fighters...amazingly resisted the urge to sing out-loud!

the home stretch was FINALLY in sight!! the fact that my hair had dried and no longer provided me any cooling action to combat my ever-rising temperature was pushed to the back on my brain...the fact that my toes were starting to go numb was ignored...the fact that i didn't know if my skin was covered in dirt from the river or dried sweat made me laugh instead of vom....because i could SEE the finish line!!  i was THERE!!!  and so i found every last ounce of energy stored inside me and ran as fast as i possibly could over the timing mat....funny joke since it was about 20 feet in front of the actual final timing mat....jerks...haha so slowed down for about 3 steps, figured it out (along with the rest of the group around me) and took that final step.  YAY!! 

thank you volunteer for the participant medal...thank you other volunteer for the water bottle which i was incapable of opening...thank you final volunteer for taking off my timing chip because there was no way bending over was in my immediate future!  found the crew, tried to regain consciousness and looked up to see the race clock at 2 hours and 1 minute and some seconds.  which i translated to mean that i finished my other, set within the last 2 weeks goal....i completed my first tri in under 2 hours!!! i don't think i could've been more overwhelmed if i tried!!  for the record...official time was 1:58:18. Holler! 

Such a fantastic feeling, such a wonderful experience....and all that before 10am!!  Hmm...now which one do i sign up for next?!?

PHLYTRI Weekend: Part 4

after what seemed like forever, it was time to line up for the swim.  i was in the second, and i think the largest, wave.  the water temp at 6am was 84 degrees (WHAAAT?!) so absolutely no wetsuits allowed under any circumstances...no big, i'll just doggy paddle if need be....glad i had already come to terms with that!

yea so the water was just as disgusting as i expected.  could barely see to the end of my arm and it was a superbly nasty color.  swimming in a herd of people is also not so fantastic.  thank goodness for the backstroke, it seriously was my best friend.  as soon as i saw other girls using that tactic for a few minutes at a time i followed suit.  great way to calm down and regain some stamina before getting back into the rhythm of freestyle.  great for the time?  eh, def not so much, but finishing was the main goal!

guess what, the swim sucked! big time! but i made it, and there was one split second on the way out of the water where i thought 'i'm done, i can't do this', but then i got into the transition and thought...you're a moron, you finished the swim...you ARE doing this, now get on your bike!!!!  yea i sat down to put my socks and bike shoes on, yea it killed my first transition time, but it was well worth it.  it gave me the break i needed to erase the swim from my mind.

the bike portion was awesome.  i felt way better than i imagined.  i did drop my water bottle with electrolyte goodness in it about 5 minutes in so i felt like a dork, and it probably didn't help my hydration, but i was in no way the only person down a water bottle.  so i kept peddling.  i was slow on the hills and probably could've eeked out a few extra mphs in a few spots but was seriously concerned with conserving my energy so i concentrated on staying consistent, and strong, and having fun!

throughout the course i passed my family and friends (yea, some awesome friends got out of bed ridiculously early on a saturday morning to cheer me on too! WOW!!) four times, and it was such a surge of energy every time i saw them.  i was so incredibly excited and grateful to have them all there!!!


PHLYTRI Weekend: Part 3

Saturday, June 26th.

oh cool, waking up at 4:45am is exactly what i want to do on a super important day.  UGH!  incredibly thankful everything about race day had already been planned out and walked through in my brain.  So although waking up before the sun is never really high on my list, i woke up and was in a really good mood and was calm, weird.  that's not a word commonly associated with me!

made myself some cream of wheat with honey.  who knows if this is really a good thing to eat before a race, but made sense to me, so i gave it a whirl.  had a giant glass of Gogi Berry Green Tea hydration stuff and a banana for good measure.

got dressed, again in a very calm and non-spastic manner, and finished packing up my bag/getting the gear into the car with some help from mz and my sis.  in typical mom & dad fashion, they sat out in the street until they saw me coming out to the car and shutting the garage...wanted to be on time for our 5:30 departure but wouldn't dare want to get in the way!! too funny, how could they possibly get in the way?! :)

watched the sun come up as we were pulling into the parking area by the Please Touch Museum...which mom called the Don't Touch Museum and dad called the Touch Me, Please Museum.  hahahha hysterically entertaining, especially to a hyper, over hydrated girl with really tight french braids!!

made the trek down Black Road and just let it set in that this was really happening.  i was surrounded by competitors and while some of them had some super snazzy gear, everyone was really friendly and i luckily didn't feel intimidated.  i had read everything, i knew what to expect, i couldn't wait to get through the line and have someone sharpie the heck out of me so i could go setup my transition area!

i'm not trying to be bragedocious, but i legit had a clue of what was going on and could not believe how many people were running around like idiots...clearly they didn't read ANYTHING!  i mean there are bike racks very clearly marked with the bib numbers that are allowed to 'park' there...so how is it that the announcer is reading off LISTS people where were mis-racked?!  a little reading/numbers quiz might be a good requirement going forward!!

took some time to talk with a few newbies setting up near me, not certain, but think i was the most excited out of the group.  a couple of girls looked like they were going to puke...i stayed away from them!


PHLYTRI Weekend: Part 2

Friday, June 25th...continued....

after our ice cream run, michael & i went to the triathlon expo so i could register and go to the pre-race athlete meeting.  there was one the morning of the race, but if my previous post was any kind of indication, i was looking to be as over-prepared as possible for this event!!  

the expo was AWESOME!! really cool gear and bikes and just a positive/excited energy that got me really excited for the rest of the weekend.  the pre-race meeting went over just about everything that had already been provided in the athlete info packet and emails, but i guess some people aren't nerdy enough to read, re-read and highlight all that stuff.  it was good to hear it in person to reassure myself that i truly did understand everything and was all set.

oh yea, and the one thing that i was DREADING...but was pretty convinced was going to happen...happened...the unofficial announcement came that there was about a 0% chance that wetsuits were going to be allowed.  Noooo!!! I had been watching the river temp all week long and it spiked from low 70's last weekend to low 80's mid-week.  NOT GOOD.  I was counting on that wetsuit for the buoyancy and peace of mind.  So i went home, a little pissed, but not nervous...and i packed my wetsuit, just in case.

and waiting for me was an overwhelming display of support...in sign form!!  a giant banner was hanging over the table (which was set, and food was cooking, how great is that?!) and other signs were printed out.  i got super giddy...and it was not just because of the humungous dish of pasta being passed my way!

ended the night with a final bike check, bag check and hair braiding.  everything was in order, tomorrow was going to actually work out!  went to bed at 10pm and slept soundly.

PHLYTRI Weekend: Part 1

so i'll get to the good stuff soon...but i want to recap the WHOLE weekend...hang in there!  and since there were so many pictures, i'm trying something different...text here, pics elsewhere, i promise it won't be the new format!

Friday, June 25th.

the fam, minus marc-o, had arrived in PA the night before.  i took the day off from work to finish getting everything together for race day and to spend some time relaxing!  i woke up early and went for my final swim at LaFit to remind myself that i did indeed know how to swim and to shake off the last of the nerves. everything felt good, strong, i was ready.  so time for some fun...and food of course!

michael & my dad went golfing while my mom, kara and I headed over to chestnut hill.  not sure why i've never taken them there before, it's totally our kind of place.  quaint little village feel with lots of little shops to pop into...with a whole lot of weird goods being sold that we can laugh at!  i really think the three of us are convinced that no one else on earth can hear our conversations...like the woman in the bakery who was the rudest person we encountered all day...i had no problem talking to kara about how curmudgeony this woman was, while said lady was approx 4 feet away from us.  maybe we're the rude ones? naaah! :)

our journey in chestnut hill took us to a playground (swings are my weakness, i have been known to stop at empty playgrounds on my lunch break...in heels), a spice store, and of course a candy shop!  bought some awesome bread to top off the carb-filled dinner we had in store for later that night.

got home and went to Frosty Falls in Bridgeport for ice cream...because Black Raspberry ice cream with chocolate sprinkles was obviously part of my training regiment!

Click here to view Chestnut Hill Pics (including one with a bear!)


two thumbs up!

two thumbs up for:

a new snazzy sweatshirt!
sent from mom, dad & k to get me psyched for the tri.
yay, it worked, and i actually have worn it twice despite the massive heat wave.

the fam being here!
they arrived last night, with a few minor travel glitches,
but they are here now.

a day off from work!
and i really have nothing to do other than relax and enjoy.

never thought i'd be so happy to see rain on a summer day,
but i (and the schyukill river) needed it
in order to lower the river temp and break some of the heat warnings.
because i know one thing's for sure,
now that i've trained and am ready to go,
there's no way i want to compete in some lame
skinnied down version of this event
due to heat!!

two thumbs up because what the heck else are ya gonna do when taking a picture to show off your new sweatshirt!? 



the time has arrived...
it's triathlon week.

and a little more...AAAAH!

as much as i don't want to admit it,
i'm freaking out.
big time!

and when i start to freak out,
i do things like this.
on a saturday.
at 7am.
notes, lists, maps, more notes, highlighting, underlining, a few more notes...
helps me tame my neurotic need to visualize 
how things are going to work once race day actually arrives.
and it helps calm me down.
that and loud angry music.

mentally, i think now i'm pretty prepared.
or at least i've convinced myself of that for the time being.
let's just hope the training has me physically prepared!

pure class.

if your husband runs
in the house and yells
'get a camera with a telephoto lens NOW'
and then you look out the window
and see this on the sidewalk...
it's time to move.


aaaahh, hahahhaha!!!
hello, ghetto!

she has a backyard.
with grass.
so why she decided to setup shop
on the street is beyond me.

note the cigarette in her hand...
hmmm...where are her small children!?

anyone want to buy a house?! :)


the man, the myth, the legend...BIG LAR!

a father is a man
who typically wears
many hats.
husband, father, brother.

my dad's got them all beat.

he's a fireworks display creator...
chef and turban wearer...
car enthusiast and chauffeur...
viking and spouse of 'the fox'...
skier, vacation planner and world traveller...
dance partner and of course, party saver...
cyclist...(maybe not motorcyclist though! :) )
joke teller,
piano player,
critter pant and pink shirt wearer,
supporter of his family...
the list goes on and on,
but best of all,
he's my dad.

happy father's day!

see you in four days!



all in a day's work.

i'm seriously considering
renaming this blog
'the 25th hour'
because it seems
i must have extra time in
my day.
either that or i've just got a
sick obsession with

best way to spend
my 'extra' time while
on a conference call
on a work from home day...
make a cute cake of course!
we had a baby shower
for one of the girls at work
who's having a little girl...
most likely to be named Ava...
and i just happened to see a 
on the front page of MarthaStewart.com
the other day.

not necessarily a good mid-week project,
but once i set my mind on attempting it
i couldn't stop obsessing, so i gave it a shot.
mine might resemble bear better resemblance to
blobs than blocks...
should've used a cookie cutter!

i did not use the white sheet cake
recipe provided,
needed some chocolate!
i was a little disappointed with the cake.
tasted good,
but too soft for all of the cutting
and moving
and icing.
so i'd find a denser cake recipe next time...
because oh yes, i WILL be trying this again,
even if it's not for baby celebrating purposes.

was pure heaven!
so glad i didn't substitute for a 
different buttercream.
it's absolutely my new favorite frosting.
i dyed it violet as an added surprise when
cutting into the blocks.
think i'd try a little added flavor next time
just to mix it up...
lemon curd or
raspberry puree?!
found some good tips in case your
batch goes a little awry
at this blog (CakeJournal).

i was nervous about the fondant,
but it was easier than i expected.
and michael's crafts has
tasty buttercream fondant
i went a little overboard with
the pink coloring,
but hot pinks are replacing pastels
these days anyway!

and since i decided that piping
royal icing at 11pm
after happy hour was not a safe bet,
i woke up at 5:30am (normal wake-up call)
to make icing and decorate.
i was really planning on making a few
different colors of icing but
decided that was just
a little too crazy.

next time.


i'm melting.

got a sports massage this afternoon
aaaah!! feeling SO much better!
and my brain is now melting.

i had something better to blog about
but i just found out that an r.kelly song
was selected to be the
anthem of the 
and i legit cannot get over how
ridiculous that is!!!

how on EARTH is that

remember the good ol' days of 
might still be on my ipod!
or when r.kelly was just known for a few 
chart topping r&B songs
and the scandal of
marrying a 15 year old?
looove aaliyah.

things sure have gone down hill
for R in the past 15 years.
but he still manages to
get his name dropped on tv/radio

luckily through the magic of youtube
i can laugh about things like
aziz ansari imitating r.kelly on jimmy kimmel
nearly 6 months after it actually happened.
hooray for internet! 
aziz is hilarious.
...even when he's not talking like r. kelly.
hulu a little Parks & Recreation for 
yourself if you've never seen it.
tom haverford makes.the.show.


being nauti.

all the summer weather
this weekend
makes me want to be at the beach.
or on a boat.
or anywhere that appreciates all things

but since beach/boat aren't in my near future,
i'm doing my best to surround myself with all things
beachy and nauti.

for starters,
i got a sweet new bag
made out of recycled sail from
Re-Sails in Newport
i've wanted one for sooo long, yay!
thanks mz! good surprise! :)

plus i've been following the
journey of Abby Sunderland...
holy cannoli was this a crazy week/weekend
for that girl!
16 years old,
trying to sail around the world.
by herself...
add in a storm in the indian ocean in
winter conditions
and you've got yourself one heck
of an adventure.
she was lost,
and then found,
and now on some crazy little french antarctic island.

and lastly,
when i was home the other
weekend (RI that is),
my mom had left an article on my dresser
because she's awesome like that...
always prescreening websites, papers, etc 
for things that i might actually want to read.
about this company that a couple of 
Salve Regina kids started up
click to check out the rest of their website.
it's hysterical.
and genius.
rather inappropriate,
but ya gotta hand it to them,
very catchy slogan
and the anchor/nautical themed
gear is an obsession 
clearly shared by many this season...
not just crazy new englanders!

i really want this sweatshirt...
seems like a worthwhile purchase
and supports the locals.
and clearly they should hire me
to develop new slogans because
obvi 'nauti' has some serious potential.

oh yea,
and i decided to reinforce the fact
that i'm never going to grow up
by wearing one of those
rope bracelets that every
13 year old surfer-dude(tte) rocks.


can't believe my ears...

there was some rather absurd commentary going around
the table tonight...

heard that one friend actually won't enter
their zip code into a gas pump for privacy reasons.

are you afraid the gas pump might track you down?!
and what exactly are you hiding?! ;-)

clearly i don't understand the extreme concern for privacy in this day and age,
where everyone updates the world on every breath they take.
i am all for sharing.  everything.
more than anyone could ever be interested in.

remember when you JUST had real live friends that you talked to in person?
and you didn't have to retell everything via status update because the people who mattered actually experienced it with you?
yea, me neither.

anyway...back to crazy conversations...

michael wants to go to the gulf coast.
to clean up the oil.
noble idea.
definitely would trump any habitat for humanity build,
but kinda freaks me out,
all of that oil...and hostility...and devastation...and potential health hazards...
but someone's gotta do it...
maybe after the tri??

confession: i know this post is lame-o.
it sounded way better in my head.
good night!
happy weekend!


manayunk bike race

for years
i've heard about the manyunk bike race
but somehow have always managed
to be stuck in traffic due to all of the
road closures for this
philaldelphia international pro tour bike race
instead of actually getting a glimpse of the
insanity that ensues one sunday a year in PA.

that all changed this year
when one of my besties got a house
in manayunk and conveniently
held a housewarming/
bike race party!!

it was definitely a day
of madness and mayhem.

never seen so many people drinking in the streets,
right next to cops.
nor have i ever seen a car
drive that quickly through the tight turns
and steep hills of the 'yunk.
mini coopers EVERYWHERE
packed to the brim
with people and

oh and then there were the bikers!
see for yourself...
such an exhilarating experience,
even for spectators!

click here to see pics!


eat this! now!

oh my gosh,
where did this come from 
and why am i just learning about it?!?!

newest food obsession...
champagne mango.
it's divine.
absolutely one of the best things
i've ever eaten.
and i can't stop eating them,
they're THAT good.

they make up for every
never perfectly ripe,
the grocery store
usually tries to
trick me into buying.

never again!
these are a new staple on my counter.
can't wait to try them in a recipe,
their website has some great ideas.
way cheaper than i would've guessed too...
i think i got a 4 pack for $4 or $5?
well worth it!

give them a try and report back!



i realized the other day,
that all of this training
has absolutely ruined my flexibility.
what little flexibility i had to begin with
is now completely non-existent.
my hamstrings are about to snap.
and there's just no way
that can be good for me.

so i've decided any 'off' days in the training
calendar are now dedicated to yoga.
i went to a sad excuse for a yoga class
today at LaFit
and was quickly put to shame by
the 80 year old arthritic woman
standing next to me.
maybe morning stretching before i start
my day is in order too,
because i'm legit
concerned that my body is slowly
turning into concrete.

anyone with a good yoga regiment out there?
nothing that's going to kill me,
just something relaxing please!

don't you think they should hand out yogurt
after yoga class?
i mean honestly,
that's all i could think about during class.
went to the store afterwards to hunt down some chobani
Honey 0% Greek Yogurt
which seriously freaked me the heck out until i ate it in beantown
tasty stuff, give it a whirl.
preferably post yoga workout :).

in more exciting news...my wetsuit arrived today! yes i tried it on immediately and no, there will not be pictures posted of that. ever.


good night.

tonight was inadvertently filled with things i really enjoy.
and believe it or not, i like being happy! :)

i made a decision not to work out,
since i barely could get out of bed this morning my body was so sore.
good choice, helped me stay awake past 10pm, score!

ate some tasty homemade pasta salad for din,
can never go wrong with a bowl of pasta and fresh veggies!

watched Sherlock Holmes,
highly recommend...i didn't expect to like it so much
but i thought it was really interesting.
nothing i like better than a good mystery...
i watch a whole lotta csi type shows and like mystery novels
but i typically figure it out and that just gets annoying.
so it was nice to be surprised for a change.
plus there were fight scenes,
with karate.
and roberty downey jr, jude law
and rachel mcadams.
can't beat that!
side note...also obsessed with Mr.Netflix, 
thank you for your wonderfulness!

to top it all off, there's crazy lightning happening in PA.
i loooove lightning.
always have. totally fascinates me.
brings me back to the days when me and my girlfriends used
to hide under their dining room table and watch storms out of their
huge wall of windows.
we were probably about 5 but i would
definitely do it again today!
one day i hope to do some storm chasing and
get a fab lightning picture to hang on my wall.

now the laundry's in the dryer,
the fan's on,
can't think of a better way to fall asleep.

goodnight!! the weekend's almost here!!
yay! :)
pictureless posts are lame.
so here's a rando sunset that i snagged walking out of a marshall's in boston with my sister around christmas. ugly foreground but INSANE sky...not doctored either. almost as good as lightning.


spinning my wheels.

i think my training is finally getting the best of me.
not only did i feel like i was about to
bust out of my clothes today
incredible hulk style
due to the semi-impressive muscle gain,
(i deny any link to my size increase and my newfound avocado addition)
but i actually felt tired today while on my 
15 mile bike ride.
at mile 2 it's a little nerve racking to feel like your legs
just might have been replaced with lime jello.

not good!
there are 24 more days until race day
and i still have some a good deal of
swim training to do to feel

maybe it's time for a massage,
or something to reward my muscles for getting me this far
and letting them know that they just need to hang in there
for a little while longer.

i did manage to make it through the ride,
made pretty decent time even with the
intense heat and sore legs.
i think i have my bike to thank.
she's wonderful.
got her last year,
BIG upgrade from my old TREK 1000.
she's one of my few favorite items
that doesn't have a nickname.
mainly because her proper name sounds fancy...
my 2010 Cannondale CAAD9 Feminine 5,
just chillin' in the roses, no big.

the fact that most of the bike path
is completely drenched by the
wonderful smell of
oh that sweet,
honeysuckle, mmm!
really helped keep me moving too.


Experiment: Goody Spin Pin

there are people out there
that see a commercial,
or infomercial,
and rush out to the store.
they think everything on tv is just perfect,
made for them.
and once they see it they can't live with out it.

i am not one of those people.

nothing wrong with it,
just not for me.
i'm more of a planned purchaser,
i like to do my own research,
or i just impulse buy while in the store,
don't need some silly commercial
to tell me what's what.
i am obsessed with dvr,
i barely even watch commercials.

except for last week.

last week i saw the ad for 
Goody's Spin Pin
and thought it looked good enough to buy.

so i set out thinking,
this will be everywhere they sell hair elastics.
not at CVS,
not at two separate grocery stores,
but finally found it at target.
i had to go to those stores for other things,
i promise i was not on some obsessive search for this product!

it's supposed to make it a snap
to do your hair in all sorts of bun type styles.
i've used it a couple of times,
since i now own it and feel forced to,
and it works.

but i don't get it.
i mean yea, it's a nice idea,
but it's not really so great
that i'm giving up on hair elastics or bobby pins.
if you want to wear your hair in a pony
and then switch to messy or refined bun,
can you?
can you wear it on your wrist?
no sir.
stick it in your pocket without it looking bizarre?
no chance.
work out with it corkscrewed into your head?
yea right!
and while i typically take zero effort to do my hair in the morning,
i have some skill when i so choose to use it,
i just don't see that there's anything
so difficult about wrapping a ribbon or elastic around your hair
or just jamming a few bobby pins in if you want to be the only person
on earth that's offended at the sight of a hair tie.

so i while i'm not really disappointed that i shelled 
out $5.99 on this gizmo,
it's not really rocking my world.

if you've tried it let me know what you think!