
So over being whelmed

blog, i have not abandoned you.
i'm sorry for my disappearance,
but i'm back.

it's just that life got in the way.
life. and sucky work.
and so i did what i do best when the world is trying to drown me.
i shut down.
and hence the lack of blog magic.

but i've decided that i'm over it.
i just don't have time in my day to fret over things that are out of my control.
or things that don't matter.
time to do things that i actually want to do.
like blog about all of the bizarre-o things that consume my day.

so i'm back.
for real.
stay tuned...
goodness is coming your way!

oh and mr.mac...
you can try to throw that tricky little red dotted spell check line under 'whelmed' all you like.
but i'm not buying it. 
it's a word.
might be listed as an archaic word.
but i'm bringing it back.
so there.

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